Egg Donor Centers in Bangalore

Momsoon provides Egg Donation programs for women who are unable to conceive using their own eggs. This is more common in couples with increased maternal age seeking Assisted Reproductive Technology.

You might consider using donor eggs if:

  • You are above 40 because fertility reduces steeply after 40 with diminished ovarian reserve. This implies that the quality of the eggs is low.
  • You have Premature Ovarian Failure, a condition in which the ovaries stop producing eggs very early maybe before 40.
  • You are at a risk of passing on a genetic condition to your child
  • Your doctor suggests using donor eggs because of poor egg quality resulting in failed IVF Cycles earlier.

When it is difficult to establish pregnancy using the woman’s own eggs, treatment with donor egg –IVF is an option. Poor ovarian function is commonly due to natural reproductive aging or surgery affecting one or both ovaries. More rarely, women undergo cessation of their ovarian function before the age 40, a condition called premature ovarian failure.

In donor egg-IVF the eggs are from a young woman who will undergo ovarian stimulation and an egg retrieval procedure. Once the eggs are harvested and in the laboratory, they will be inseminated using semen from the recipient’s partner. The created embryos are then transferred to woman’s uterus. The recipient woman carries the pregnancy and delivers her child.

Who can be an egg donor?

Egg donors are young women who donate their eggs to recipients purposely to help women/couples with infertility and desire to have a child. Egg donors are anonymous and can be chosen from ART banks. Egg donors are thoroughly screened to ensure that they are healthy to donate their eggs.

IVF with Donor eggs process
Stage 1: Preparation of Egg donor and Recipient mother
  • Plan the treatment cycle
  • Prepare you for the embryo transfer through medication
  • Identify a suitable egg donor
  • Synchronize yours and the egg donor’s treatment cycles
  • During the treatment cycle, blood tests and ultrasound examinations will be done to determine the uterine receptivity. It is important to ensure that your uterus is hormonally prepared to receive the embryos
Stage 2: Ovarian Stimulation and Egg Retrieval
  • The egg donor will undergo ovarian stimulation with fertility medications to stimulate the simultaneous growth of multiple egg-follicles in her ovaries
  • The eggs will be harvested through a minor surgical procedure called egg retrieval.
  • The donated eggs are inseminated with the sperm from the recipient’s partner in the IVF Lab.
Stage 3: Embryo Transfer
  • Transfer of the embryo(s) into your uterus that is synchronized with hormone treatment to receive the embryo(s).
  • Embryos that are not transferred can be frozen for future use.
  • Following the embryo transfer, you will continue on hormonal treatment to support the uterus for implantation.

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